We headed to Sonoma this morning. Very cute town, had a great lunch at Basque Bakery and walked the town square. We found a great cheese shop called Vella and loaded up on meat, cheese, and bread for snacks and vino drinking. We went to only one vineyard in the Russian River Valley, it was great, bought a couple of bottles and decided to head up the coast and not stay the night in Sonoma. We got to Ft. Bragg, CA and check into the lovely and exclusive Fort Bragg, KOA. From our previous nights accommodations this KOA was a major step up and we then decided we would only stay at a KOA’s.(this KOA was on the beach and very high end at 65 bucks a night, very very expensive in the camper world)
There are very interesting people at these parks. We, in our cruise America moving billboard are the bottom of the food chain. There was a RV that was the size of our house in Nashville with a flat screen the size of our RV, and a brand new BMW convertible down from us. These people really go all out. In this first park I saw,
1. a couple who had a large bird cage full of cockatiels
- a family that had a wooden totem pole with carved images of the dogs that were traveling with them.
- A full indoor/outdoor kitchen with outdoor refrigerator, and flat surface griddle.
I must get a wilson totum pole. What a genius idea. It does not surprise me,considering that camo padded toilet seats are a huge hit across the U.S. Oh general public, you never cease to amaze!